

UMS River Cleaning Machine is invented to fulfil the request by the Sabah State Government to restore Petagas and Putatan rivers. These rivers are facing pollution from the indiscriminate dumping of trashes and also the discharge of water from monsoon drains into the rivers. UMS River Cleaning Machine comprises of revolving wheel collector that is capable of collecting floating trashes continously and fibre - covered blades that is capable of adsorbing oils in the water. PROBLEM STATEMENT The increasing pollution of rivers in Sabah has been a pressing issue for a long time, prompting UMS to develop the UMS River Cleaning Machine. The machine aims to address the problem by removing pollutants from the river, providing a potential solution to improve the quality of the water and protect the environment. TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION
  1. Rotating Collection Device
  2. Efficient Waste Disposal
  3. High Collection Rate
  1. Partnership with government agencies and private companies
  2. Revenue streams from the innovation itself
  3. Sustainable approach
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT The UMS team has conducted successful pilot studies and tests on the machine, collecting up to 90 % of floating waste. The team plans to conduct further research to improve the machine's efficiency and effectiveness, and to explore the potential for additional waste collection capabilities. FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS The UMS River Cleaning Machine is expected to generate revenue through the sale and leasing of the product. Financial projections indicate positive return on investment within five years of commercialisation, with potential for long term growth through expansion into other markets. The team is currently seeking funding to support the next phase of development and commercialisation.
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