

Trichoshield® is a new technology that provides a safer and sustainable protection against a deadly disease affecting the oil palm industry. The disease is known as Basal Stem Rot (BSR). Every year losses amounting in millions (MYR) are being experienced by the industry. The biofungicide uses a naturally occurring endophytic microorganism, Trichoderma traveling within the root system to provide protection against the invasion of the pathogen, Ganoderma boninense. One of the most attractive features of this biofungicide is that repetitive applications are not required making it an excellent cost-effective option for planters against the hazardous chemical control. Additionally, the biofungicide enriches the residential microflora population and is proven to increase the vegetative growth of the palm. The environmentally friendly biofungicide mass produced using oil palm biowaste, provides an affordable, sustainable, and cost-effective approach to be incorporated in the integrated Ganoderma management (IGM) in the oil palm field.
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