

Residual Oil Extractor (ROE) is an innovative technology designed to recover residual oil in the palm oil effluent (POME). The ROE uses perforated oil-adsorbing fibre sheets arranged in inclined manner, a mechanical compressor, and an air scrubbing system to enhance oil adsorption and reduce COD of POME by up to 15%. This technology has a performance efficiency of 20% and has the potential to provide significant benefits to the palm oil industry.   PROBLEM STATEMENT The palm oil industry generates effluent with residual oil, posing environmental and economic issues. A solution is needed to recover the oil and reduce COD of POME.   TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION
  1. Perforated Oil-adsorbing Fibre Sheets
  2. Mechanical Compressor
  3. Air Scrubbing System
  1. Partnerships with government agencies and private companies
  2. Revenue streams from the innovation itself
  3. Sustainable approach
  RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT The ROE technology has been tested and demonstrated to have a performance efficiency of 20% in recovering residual oil from POME without changing its properties. The technology has been commercialized, and efforts are being made to improve its efficiency and effectivenes. Future R&D will focus on optimizing the design and improving the oil recovery rate.   FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS Financial projections for the ROE indicate significant revenue potential, with break-even expected within two years of commercialistion. Funding has been secured from government grants and private investors, and further investment is currently being sought to support the commercialisation and scaling of the technology.
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