
Bioactive Microorganism Enzymatic Surface Cleaner (BMESC)/Multi-purpose Cleaner

Bioactive Microorganism Enzymatic Surface Cleaner (BMESC) or Multi-purpose Cleaner is able to remove oil, grease and bacteria and fungi found on surfaces such as floors, bathrooms and sinks by using safe and natural ingredients. BMESC particles with a size of 8,940nm allow it to penetrate small spaces and cracks to prevent the formation of bacteria and fungi. BMESC is also proven to be more easily biodegradable which is as much as 82% within 28 days. BMESC is able to eliminate more than 90% of bacteria and fungi based on test results conducted using the BS EN 1040: 2005 standard. BMESC has also received recognition and certification from the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP), SIRIM Berhad, Malaysian Green Technology And Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) and Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS).
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