
Bioactive Microorganism Enzymatic Coil Decontamination/ Cleaner (BMED)

Biofilm is a layer of slime formed from bacteria and fungi that adheres to surfaces and can cause damage to the air conditioning system and internal surfaces. The biofilm that is formed can be prevented using Bioactive Microorganism Enzymatic Coil Decontamination/Cleaner (BMED) which has been recognized and certified by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP), SIRIM Berhad, Malaysian Green Technology And Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) and Selangor Department of Islamic Religion (JAIS). BMED using multi-enzyme technology will break down the biofilm and has been proven to be easier to biodegrade by 89% within 28 days. The technology used by BMED is safer and more environmentally friendly than conventional cleaning that uses acid and alkali. BMED particles with a size of 7.873nm allow it to penetrate small spaces and cracks to prevent the formation of bacteria and fungi. These products are able to improve air quality, productivity, protect against asset damage, reduce energy consumption and reduce maintenance and replacement costs.
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